Chirgwin Consulting


Some views from participants at our lectures:
“A very enjoyable and rewarding afternoon”
“The lecturer is great to listen to. I really got involved”
“Good being active and not just sitting and listening.”
“Helene’s lecture was rewarding and strangely enoughI became aware of things that really are obvious.”

Voices of participants from courses and workshops:
Registered psychologist  and crganizational consultant
“This concept is the best I’ve seen since 2000. If developed right, it may well compete with UGL courses and AGSLO conferences. Helen and Keith Chirgwin are sitting on a gold mine … “

Company Nurse
“I thought the course content and structure were really great. We got to grips with different tasks of varying importance, some of which I can imagine doing at my own workplace, and we used more advanced exercises, which were fun to test. … The course  gave me two very instructive days not just for my own personal development, but also how I can change my mindset when working with groups and meetings and how I can work with other methods than the more traditional “

Organizational consultant
“I really enjoyed your course. Firstly, it stimulated my development on a personal level. Holding a brush, handling colours, creating, joining in and creating with others, gave me quite a kick. To not be afraid of creating on my own and having the courage to let go (at least a little) and not say “I can not paint”, that was quite an experience. I also received confirmation on the use of images, even ready mades, which can provide much more information about the group of participants than just words. This is something I will continue to use. Your software was clear and an excellent basis for discussions in the group when they see themselves in action.”

More voices from our courses and workshops.

  • Very impressive, pleasurable and thought-provoking. Thanks!
  • Exciting, dynamic, useful and fun besides! Getting to solve the different tasks in the group – I was surprised that the cooperation was so good. Good exercises – I want some more opportunities.
  • Even though I may not be using a brush and paint in my client meetings for a while, I feel that I myself have more colour, strength and courage now. Thanks!
  • Gave me a lot of inspiration, with new creative  and innovative ideas. Thanks .. you both are professionals!
  • Good tools to put in our toolbox. Have only positive thoughts of the day! Fun with the postcard, a great way to connect with other people.
  • This was so much fun! … you have no idea how tagged I am to your methods!

Said about Helene’s mix of lectures and music:
A town-hall administrator
“Your voice is beautiful Helene, and along with your wise words, it was absolutely the best I’ve heard, and I have been to many lectures…”


A headmaster
“It was exactly what we needed. It has been tough for quite a while and to come downand winding down like this feels necessary. Great!”


A trade union representative
“Thanks for the great and very different lecture. I think it’s fantastic to do a lecture as you did. It feels really good and was a lot different from the lectures that I’m used to”


A team Leader from industry
“A very good concept, fun with the fairy tale, music and theory conveying the message.”